Learners – Videos

Here you will find some useful videos to assist in your efforts to be the perfect driver!

Videos 1 to 9 are courtesy of VicRoads:

1. Giving Way At A Roundabout

2. Giving Way At Intersections

3. Giving Way To Emergency Vehicles

4. Merging Lanes Safely

5. Passing Or Overtaking Trams

6. Performing A Hook Turn

7. When You Can Safely Perform A U-Turn

8. Driving With Buses In Melbourne

9. Driving With Trams In Melbourne

10. It Can Wait

Video 10 is courtesy of The South African Government!

Here are some links for tests related to driving:

Try this quiz courtesy of the Queensland Government!

Or this quiz courtesy of R.A.C.V.!

Or a driver knowledge test courtesy of DKT!

Then there’s the “Give Way” test courtesy of RAA!