2015 News,  Mentors

L2P Funded for Another 4 years!


by Greg Ryan L2P State Project Manager

L2P is set to continue for another four years with the State Government com- mitting $16 million in future funding as part of its $146 million Young Driver Safety Package.

This will support the continuation of the 65 L2P programs across Victoria by Coun- cils and other agencies, generally in part- nership with community organisations.

Over the next few months details will be confirmed with agencies wishing to con- tinue running this much needed commu- nity program beyond 30 June 2015.

Annual State funding of $4 million to- gether with Council support, local spon- sorship and fundraising efforts by com- munity organisations will:

– provide opportunities for 1,800 disad- vantaged young people to gain the su- pervised driving experience required for them to take their probationary licence test.

– support part time employment of 65 L2P Project Officers, and pay for profes- sional driving instruction before mentors take over.

For disadvantaged young people L2P is essential to help them to get 120 hours experience needed as part of Victoria’s Graduated Licensing Scheme.

Across Melbourne and in many regional communities, L2P helps to reduce disad- vantage and inequity, by getting more young people on the road and providing them a more positive future.

Keep up the great work!