2014 News,  Your Driving Test Tips

The Importance of Maintaining Your Logbook

I recently took a learner for their licence test. It had taken 3 weeks to book. Plenty of time to get ready. The learner had already completed sixty hours, privately driving with a licenced friend.

I had explained to carefully fill out the logbook. Make sure all hours were correctly written up and the hours carefully totalled up. All certified drivers should complete the front of the book, each page should be filled in by the learner at the top of the page.

This was a legal document and would be checked. “Make sure you are very careful.”

At the Vicroads desk each page was carefully examined. Unfortunately for my learner he had added some 15 hours of extra driving that was incorrectly documented. Fifteen hours were subtracted from his learning experience.

He did not get to go for his test, lost the $65 payment, will need to book in again in a month’s time and will need to rewrite his entire logbook to make up for these serious errors. Plus complete another twenty hours of driving experience.

All because her was not careful enough, or maybe thought he could get by a scrutiny of his log book.

The distress he caused himself saddened me, but could have been completely avoided, by both being honest with his driving hours, keeping a neat logbook being careful in his addition.

It ws a hard lesson to learn. Hopefully it wont be you!